Thursday, April 3, 2014

The one with the Banjo Music

The appeal of internet dating is it opens your network up to a whole new group of screwed up people to choose from. I come from a town where everyone dated the same people because pickings were slim. This exchange happened only after you each researched your family tree to make sure you were at least 4th cousins.

Only possibly slightly exaggerating.

So back to the wide world of internet trolling. I started talking to this guy back in the fall. He met all my criteria (had a job. did not have three eyes or an apparent meth habit.) and so I was very interested in getting to know him further.

He is a chef at a local restaurant that I occasionally enjoy. He was close to his family. He drove a subaru. These are all just bonus points for someone in my book. We made plans to meet up for dinner following the weekend because he had to leave town for his grandmother's birthday party. We started talking about his trip, and I realized it was very close to the area where my mother grew up.

You see where this is going, right? I mean you do, right?

He told me about how his family was really big into local bluegrass music, and I mentioned that my family, specifically my mom's side, was also big into bluegrass. Our family reunion every year is basically a three day concert from sun up to sun down. I stupidly thought, hey maybe our two families were friends back in the olden days, playing music together down by the river. So I asked him what his family name was.

TURNS OUT... it is the same as mine.

TURNS OUT... we are related.

TURNS OUT.. we have been to the same family reunion at one point or another.

We did not end up meeting up for dinner.

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