Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dating Rip Van Winkle

Last year I was semi-seriously (I thought it was serious, I learned later that he did not) dating this guy in a long distance type situation. We saw each other only on weekends, which, at the time, I was fine with. I had a lot going on and I was finally living without a roommate again and I just wanted to enjoy some me time.

This guy was a nice enough guy. His major fault though was that he would sleep half his weekend away. It wouldn't be uncommon for him to wake up sometime after noon.

I haven't been able to sleep past 9:30 in years. I feel like I've wasted a whole day if I'm still in bed at 10. Maybe I really am becoming an old lady.

One weekend I had made plans with some friends for a birthday lunch. And not even an early lunch. More like an early dinner, if anything. I was going to bring this guy along and do the big introduction (because remember, I thought things were serious). His house was on the way to the restaurant, so I  offered to stop and pick him up.  He even set an alarm early and I talked to him to make sure he would be up and ready.

When I get to his house I texted from the car. I got no answer.

So I called. I got no answer.

I assume maybe he's in the bathroom finishing getting ready. It's a nice day outside so I decide to go sit on the porch steps and wait a few.

I wait for half an hour.

In this half hour I texted 48 times. I called 62 times (because at this point I'm just getting progressively more mad and keep hitting redial to make a point). I try banging on the front door, bedroom window. I get LOOKS from the neighbors bc here I am a crazy person.

So I got mad and left.

An hour and a half later I get a text. He "guesses" he accidentally fell back asleep. Didn't I try knocking on the bedroom window?

I didn't go back for him because at that point I probably would have thrown my shoe at him. Being on time is something that is VERY important to me... if I'm not ten minutes early for something, I am flustered. And to have been stood up because someone took an accidental nap at 1pm is not acceptable in my book.

I went on to the birthday lunch and had a great time with my friends.

The relationship, for what it was, did not last long past this date. For a variety of reasons. But the sleeping issue was a top five factor.

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